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 Votos recibidos:
bueno 20 | malo 8
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puntos 0 | votos: 0
Amigo - es veridico
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Terminar de ver gamers! - a las 3 de la mañana y acabar asi
puntos 1 | votos: 1
If this card is Normal Summoned - or flipped face-up: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Ninja
monster from your hand in Attack Position or face-down Defense
Position, also you cannot Special Summon monsters from the Extra Deck
for the rest of this turn, except Ninja monsters.
puntos 4 | votos: 4
Your opponent - Your opponent concucts their next battle phase twice
puntos 0 | votos: 0
Cabeza de alga - probablemente uno de los personajes mas fuertes del anime

puntos 1 | votos: 1
Cannot be Normal or Special - Summoned if you control any monsters. You can Special Summon this card
(from your hand) in Attack Position. If another monster is Summoned to
your side of the field: Destroy this card.
puntos 2 | votos: 2
2+ Level 3 monsters - Once per turn, when an opponents monster activates its effect (Quick
Effect): You can detach 2 materials from this card; the activated
effect becomes both players draw 1 card. You can target 1 other
Number Xyz Monster you control; attach this card to it as material.
(Transfer its materials to that monster.)
puntos 2 | votos: 2
Bonita muñequita - nunk supe como se escribe
puntos 3 | votos: 3
Típico - ir a
a las 3 am y terminar asi
puntos 0 | votos: 0
El - Abuelo

puntos 2 | votos: 6
me rei - nunk supe como se escrive
puntos -1 | votos: 1
Titulo - Descripcion
puntos -1 | votos: 1
Sotoka Rakita - nunk supe como se escrive
puntos 0 | votos: 0
I recently started using Corel Painter, - I recently started using Corel Painter, but since my PC is low spec,
it won´t run very smoothly. I heard later that it´s a rather heavy
software, but it stills runs depending on what i do with it. Well,
since I only just started using it... Still, I´d like to make use of
it in the next book´s cover...                     I should take
manuscripts more seriously... 
puntos 0 | votos: 0
c togou -

puntos -1 | votos: 3
protesta indigente - nunca supe como se escribe
puntos -1 | votos: 1
Nitro Sy - nchron
puntos 2 | votos: 2
takagi y sao - seria genial algo asi
puntos -1 | votos: 1
Harpuia - probablemente uno de los personajes mas fuertes del anime


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