La primera vez que leí la Biblia

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Añadido por The Kaizer 73 | Comentar(7)

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The Kaizer 73
The Kaizer 73    
     +1 / 0  

First time I had read the Bible
It had stroke me as unwitty
I think it may started rumor
That the Lord ain't got no humor
Put me inside SSC
Let's test superstring theory
Oh yoi yoi accelerate the protons
stir it twice and then just add me, 'cause
I don't read the Bible
I don't trust disciple
Even if they're made of marble
Or Canal Street bling
From the maelstrom of the knowledge
Into the labyrinth of doubt
Frozed underground ocean
melting - nuking on my mind

Comentarios (7)

The Kaizer 73
The Kaizer 73    
     +1 / 0  

First time I had read the Bible
It had stroke me as unwitty
I think it may started rumor
That the Lord ain't got no humor
Put me inside SSC
Let's test superstring theory
Oh yoi yoi accelerate the protons
stir it twice and then just add me, 'cause
I don't read the Bible
I don't trust disciple
Even if they're made of marble
Or Canal Street bling
From the maelstrom of the knowledge
Into the labyrinth of doubt
Frozed underground ocean
melting - nuking on my mind

The Kaizer 73
The Kaizer 73    
     0 / 0  
@The Kaizer 73, Yes give me Everything Theory
Without Nazi uniformity
My brothers are protons
My sisters are neurons
Stir it twice, it's instant family!
I don't read the Bible
I don't trust disciple
Even if they're made of marble
Or Canal Street bling
My brothers are protons
My sisters are neurons
Stir it twice dlja prekrastnih dam...
Do you have sex maniacs
Or schizophrenics
Or astrophysicists in your family
Was my grandma anti anti
Was my grandpa bounty bounty
They ask me in embassy!

The Kaizer 73
The Kaizer 73    
     0 / 0  
@The Kaizer 73, 'Cause I don't read the Bible
I don't trust disciple
Even if they're made of marble
Or Canal Street bling
And my grandma she was anti!
And my grandpa he was bounty!
And stir it twice
And then just add me!
now afterparty...

     0 / 0  
Fffa, qué recuerdos. varios años han pasado ya desde que descubrí esta banda.

The Kaizer 73
The Kaizer 73    
     0 / 0  
@Pierre., Qué envidia, yo hará año y poco que la conocí o así.xD Y qué maravilla.

     0 / -1  
Que te paso amigo antes eras chévere.

     0 / 0  
Osi por dios que rico

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