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carteles stillwithme aaay que poco nos molestamos conocer gente desmotivaciones

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Comentarios (29)

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Still with me.
Still with me.    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., QUE ORIGINAL.

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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@Contagious Chemistry, como tú, bonito c:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., yo soy guapo.

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., sabes que si .c

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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@Contagious Chemistry, por qué pones caritas tuertas? D:

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., les saco los ojos con teneedor

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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@Contagious Chemistry, de qué me suena eso? jajajaja

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., yo que se xD

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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@Contagious Chemistry, NO TE ACUERDAS :O

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., Nopexddddd

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., es que nosé ;_;

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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@Contagious Chemistry, vale vale...

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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Still with me.
Still with me.    
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@Contagious Chemistry, yo por qué?

Contagious Chemistry
Contagious Chemistry    
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@Still with me., por fea

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me ha recordado a una cosa

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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@mediometro, a qué? D:

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@Still with me., recuerdos tontos jajaja

Still with me.
Still with me.    
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@mediometro, oooh qué bonitoo

Little C
Little C    
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Me dicen que estoy obsesionado con el sexo y no sé por qué.

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