Esa frustración que supone

La cola

Añadido por tony black jack | Comentar(77)
Imágenes, Carteles y Desmotivaciones de

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Comentarios (77)

mauricio cerati
mauricio cerati    
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pobre naruto T.T

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@mauricio cerati, si...D:

mauricio cerati
mauricio cerati    
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The reason why I smile
The reason why I smile    
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tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, el qué? xD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, El único que hace algo mal xDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, no siempre e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Bueno bueno e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Hay cosas que no se me dan bien D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, La cama, por ejemplo e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Yo la cama la hago perfecta, ni una arruga quedan en las sábanas tsss

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, si si xd

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, A saber tú, seguro que la haces a los chapuzas y te queda fatal e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Yo hago todo lo relacionado con la cama perfectamente tss

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Menos follar xD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Como se nota que no has follado conmigo tsss

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, No tengo la mínima intención de hacerlo xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Ni yo de que lo hagas e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Eso me dicen todas e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No soy como todas e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, No he dicho que seas así e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Por que sabes que no lo soy e.e
Me han dado la nota en dos trabajos :DDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Y que tal? :33

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Dos dieces e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Que empollona e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Di lo que quieras, pero soy más feliz que una perdiz :D

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Me alegro :333

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Que lista soy e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, *Ejem ejem* e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Tú? Nah e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Perdona pero yo de 9 no bajo e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Por que tú estás todo el rato por los bajos de los profesor@s e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Mira quien fue a hablar jajajaajajaajaajaajajajjajajajjajjaja

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Yo? Nah, no me ponen mis profesores (?)

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, O_______________________________________________________________________O

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Qué? XDDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Oye, si hay alguno que está bien, no le puedo mirar? e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Bua chica y luego me dices a mí jajajaajaja

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Oye, yo observo e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Como una mirona...VERGÜENZA debería darte

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Pues no, si me pone, me pone xDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Jajaja te tocas pensando en ellos DDD:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No, sólo en ti (????)

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Sinceramente no creo que te hayas tocado en tu vida xD

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Y eso? xD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, No sé, lo noto e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Jajajaj no voy a decir nada e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Nada, nada, que cualquier cosa que diga vas a saber si tienes razón o no xDDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Como quieras e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Por que tú si que lo haces e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Hombre que no xdDDD

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Yo ya tengo a una chica que las sustituye e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Ya la tienes? Joder que rápidito eres e.e
Bah, pero en los calentones mañaneros habrá veces que no esté e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, No te creas, es la segunda novia que tengo en toda mi vida xD
Es super genial *__________________*
Le seré fiel e.e

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@tony black jack, Ya, pero no la única que..bueno eso xdD
Si si, le has sido infiel a la otra o qué? D:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Ah, pues no jajaja

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack,Eres un golfo e.e
Yo que sé jajaja, aunque no pareces :D

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, No no e.e
Claro que no :33

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Bueno xDD
Mñas te vale e.e

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Que no D:
Jo, dudas de mi? DD:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Bueno e.e
Noo DD:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, Que no soy un golfo, jolín e.e

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Lo que tú digas e.e
Nada ewe

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, D: D: D: D: D: D: D:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, No me pongas esas caras DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@The reason why I smile, No soy un golfo DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:

The reason why I smile
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@tony black jack, Pues no lo eres e.e

thunder justice
thunder justice    
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No es tan mala

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@thunder justice, sí lo es (L)

thunder justice
thunder justice    
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@tony black jack, no lo es

tony black jack
tony black jack    
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@thunder justice, k si cohone

thunder justice
thunder justice    
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@tony black jack, Que no ya,coño ya

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